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Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2022

Validierung in der Analytik 2e (3527329390)

Der Praxisleitfaden zur manchmal ungeliebten aber notwendigen Validierung analytischer Methoden bietet auf weniger als 300 Seiten alles, was man wissen muss: Teil A beschreibt die theoretischen und konzeptionellen Grundlagen. Teil B erklƤrt die ISO-konforme DurchfĆ¼hrung einer Validierung samt einer Diskussion der hƤufigsten Fehlerquellen. Ein umfangreicher Anhang enthƤlt Zusatzinformationen, Ɯbersichten und ein Glossar der wichtigsten Fachbegriffe. NĆ¼tzliche Hilfen wie Rechenbeispiele, Praxistipps, Beschreibung hƤufiger Fehler sowie Checklisten sind durchgehend zu finden und erleichtern das Arbeiten mit dem Buch. Unverzichtbares Grundwissen fĆ¼r jeden Analytiker, der ein Analysenverfahren validieren muss. Aus Rezensionen der Vorauflage: "Besonders lehrreich fĆ¼r den AnfƤnger ist die Vielzahl von praktischen Beispielen" (Die Nahrung) "Bravo, endlich ist er da, der lang ersehnte BrĆ¼ckenschlag von einer Ć¼berwiegend statistisch-mathematischen und damit nicht immer ganz pra...

Diario para estoicos : 366 reflexiones sobre la sabidurĆ­a, la perseverancia y el arte de vivir (9788417963156)

Diario para estoicos es una guĆ­a fascinante y accesible para transmitir la sabidurĆ­a clĆ”sica a una nueva generaciĆ³n y mejorar nuestra calidad de vida. ¿DĆ³nde puedes encontrar la felicidad? ¿CĆ³mo puedes aprovechar el poder de la razĆ³n? ¿CuĆ”l es el verdadero significado del Ć©xito? ¿QuĆ© sentido tiene la vida? Las respuestas a estas y otras muchas preguntas pueden encontrarse en la sabidurĆ­a de la filosofĆ­a estoica. Durante mucho tiempo, los principios de Marco Aurelio, Epicteto y SĆ©neca han brillado con fuerza a travĆ©s de los siglos como una filosofĆ­a para la gente de acciĆ³n. Ha sido el arma secreta de todo tipo de personajes, desde emperadores o pilotos de combate hasta artistas y activistas polĆ­ticos. Estos conocimientos intemporales, puestos a prueba durante los Ćŗltimos dos mil aƱos en el laboratorio de la experiencia humana, son fundamentales para poder navegar entre las complejidades de la vida moderna. Product details ...

International Primary Science Student's Book 2 (9780007586134)

Collins Primary Science fully meets the requirements of the Cambridge Assessment International Education Primary Science Curriculum Framework and the material has been carefully developed to meet the needs of primary science students and teachers in a range of international contexts. Content is organised according to the three main strands: Biology, Chemistry and Physics and the skills detailed under the Scientific Enquiry strand are introduced and taught in the context of those areas. For each of Stages 1 to 6 as detailed in the Cambridge Primary Science Framework, we offer: A full colour, highly illustrated and photograph rich Student's Book A write-in Workbook linked to the Student's Book This comprehensive Teacher's Guide with clear suggestions for using the materials, including the electronic components of the course A DVD-ROM which contains slideshows, video clips, additional photographs and interactive activities for use in the classroom. Provides support as par...

Cultures of Empire: Rethinking Venetian Rule, 1400-1700 : Essays in Honour of Benjamin Arbel (9789004427600)

This book investigates perceptions, modes, and techniques of Venetian rule in the early modern Eastern Mediterranean (1400-1700) between colonial empire, negotiated and pragmatic rule; between soft touch and exploitation; in contexts of former and continuous imperial belongings; and with a focus on representations and modes of rule as well as on colonial daily realities and connectivities. Product details Format Hardback | 484 pages Dimensions 155 x 235 x 33.02mm ...

Invest Successfully and Protect Your Assets : How to Match Your Investment Plan with Your Life Goals (9780595669530)

In this witty, eye-opening guide, Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Mutual Fund Counselor Rick Johnson shares his no-holds-barred approach to investing. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience in financial services, he shows hard-working Americans how to design successful investment portfolios and build financial strategies that are fully aligned with their personal values and life goals. Johnson debunks commonly held myths, exposes misconceptions, and delivers plenty of practical advice and relevant, real-world techniques and secrets for: Avoiding the usual--and costly--mistakes that even professionals make Determining how much risk you can tolerate Setting reasonable, achievable expectations (and then meeting or exceeding them) Designing a custom portfolio centered on your individual values, needs, and goals and accounting for future contributions, expenditures, and withdrawal needs Simultaneously investing for good markets and bad markets Selecting and hiring a finan...

Books, Bandits and Guns : One man's war in Somalia (9781911589051)

Tim Moore grew up in Kenya in the early twentieth century, as the son of a bookseller. In his lifetime he saw the change from the Protectorate of the British East Africa to Kenya Colony and then to the independent Republic of Kenya. In 1937 Tim signed up as a clerk at the headquarters of the King's African Rifles; two years later, war broke out. Before long, he found himself policing occupied territories in East Africa, protecting the populace from gangs of armed bandits. After military service Tim joined the Kenya Immigration Department and then became a probation officer, watching the development of Kenya's new probation service from the inside. The book is written in Tim's own words with additional content from his son David and is illustrated with photographs throughout. It gives a first-hand account of operations on a continent sometimes neglected in accounts of the Second World War. Product details ...

Adaptogene - Die Elitepflanzen der Natur (9783864457234)

Adaptogene besitzen eine besondere Form der Pflanzenintelligenz Adaptogene sind Heilpflanzen, die uns die Wunder der Natur auf ganz besondere Weise nahebringen. Dank ihrer einzigartigen Eigenschaften helfen sie, besser mit Stress umzugehen, und steigern die Widerstandskraft. Sie verleihen Energie und bringen Kƶrper, Geist und Seele wieder ins Gleichgewicht. Adaptogene wachsen unter extremen Wetter- und Klimabedingungen an Orten mit starker Sonneneinstrahlung oder groƟen Temperaturschwankungen. Ihre erstaunliche AnpassungsfƤhigkeit an unterschiedlichste EinflĆ¼sse kƶnnen sie auch dem Menschen schenken. Daher auch ihr Name: "Adaptogen" ist von dem lateinischen Wort adaptare abgeleitet, was "anpassen" heiƟt. Noch sind sie eher ein Geheimtipp, aber ihr Ruf als besondere Heilpflanzen verbreitet sich schnell Ashwagandha, Eleuthero, Heiliges Basilikum, Rhodiola, Schisandra und viele mehr - unter dem Begriff "Adaptogene" werden unterschiedlichste Pflanzen aus aller...

Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing (9781461356981)

Manufacturers are increasingly, under pressure from their major stakeholders to integrate environmental issues in the design and management of their products. These stakeholders include customer, regulators, employees, communities, and interest groups who have a common stake in protecting the earth from pollution and in limiting the exploitation of earth's limited natural resources. Manufacturers recognize that being environmentally responsible also offers competitive advantage to the firm. Hence the Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing is written as a state-of-the-art reference to environmentally conscious manufacturing (ECM). The chapter authors were carefully selected. All the chapter authors have done extensive research and / or practice work in the field of ECM. The Handbook covers all the major topics in Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing. There are specific chapters to deal with sustainable manufacturing, recycling, eco-labelling, life cycle assessment, ...

Nathan Oliveira (9780520231016)

Nathan Oliveira's (1928 - 2010) passion for continuing an inner-directed artistic tradition attached to the human subject persisted throughout his more than forty years as a painter and master printmaker. His art represents an ongoing dialogue with artists from Rembrandt to Goya to Munch, Beckmann, Giacometti, and de Kooning - whom he recognized for their insights into the human condition. The human touch, so often absent in contemporary work, is distinct in Oliveira's art. His paintings and monotypes bear the mark of his brush in the tactile quality of the paint and the unique printed surfaces of his monotypes. He lived and worked in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he was professor emeritus of art at Stanford University, Oliveira is widely regarded as a key figure in American art, and his paintings, monoprints, drawings, watercolors, and sculpture have attracted an international audience. This book is the most comprehensive study to date of Oliveira's career as artist ...

Creeds in the Making : A Short Introduction to the History of Christian Doctrine (9780334002642)

Alan Richardson's Creeds in the Making was first published more than forty years ago, in January 1935. After ten reprints, it went out of print in 1975 to make way, we hoped, for a new work which would reflect the scholarship of a new generation. There is, however, still no short inexpensive paperback available which illustrates the early development of the creeds and Christian doctrine to a general audience in quite the same way as this does, with its freshness, charm and that almost timeless quality of writing and judgment which was so characteristic of its author. So we are happy that it should be reissued for the 1980s, as an introduction to those coming to creeds and doctrine for the first time, and as a fitting memorial to a great modern pastor and teacher. From the first reviews Mr Richardson has a true teacher's gift, that of making his subject live and relating it to modern experience and modern knowledge of the universe. He tells a story, and tells it well. Nor is he...

Handlungsorientiertes Lernen und eLearning (9783486200218)

Immer wieder beobachten wir, dass gelerntes theoretisches Wissen in konkreten Situationen nicht genutzt werden kann. Zwar haben Lerner oftmals ein groƟes theoretisches Wissen angehƤuft, sie kƶnnen dies in realen und eventuell problematischen Situationen aber vielfach nicht kompetent anwenden. Das erworbene theoretische Wissen kann vor allem nur im ursprĆ¼nglichen Kontext, in dem es erworben wurde, wie z.B. bei PrĆ¼fungen, genutzt werden. DarĆ¼ber hinaus bleibt es trƤge, das heiƟt der Wissenstransfer vom instruktionalen Setting auf Anwendungssituationen bleibt aus. Um trƤges Wissen zu verringern und den Anwendungsbezug des theoretischen Wissens zu fƶrdern, wird hƤufig auf handlungsorientiertes Lernen verwiesen. Mit Hilfe dieses Buches wollen wir aufzeigen, dass eLearning eine deutlich stƤrkere Handlungsorientierung ermƶglicht als es viele vorhandene Produkte anbieten. Dabei soll der handlungsorientierte Ansatz von verschiedenen Seiten her beleuchtet, im Rahmen unterschiedlicher Konzepte ei...

Fat, Fifty & F***ed! (9781740948814)

Martin Carter is having a crook day. His home life's a misery, he's been retrenched by the bank and everyone's forgotten his birthday. But a million-dollar payroll, a pistol, and a split-second decision change everything. Hurtling north on a motorcycle with the intriguing Faith, Martin encounters a mysterious hit-man, a new-age bikie gang, a reclusive media mogul, and the booby-trapped mountain hideout of an old schoolmate. With Faith's help he learns about love again, along with some bitter truths about instant coffee, brown suede shoes, and the legendary Great Aussie Truck-stop Breakfast. Product details Format CD-Audio Dimensions 146 ...

10 aƱos 10 textos. Reflexiones sobre el proyecto en el dƩcimo aniversario de los estudios de Arquitectura en la Universidad de Zaragoza (9788417633486)

Reflexiones sobre el Proyecto en el dƩcimo aniversario de los estudios de Arquitectura en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Product details Format Book Publication date 19 Feb 2019 Publisher Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza Publication City/Country Zaragoza, Spain ...

The New Cambridge English Course 2 Teacher's book (9780521376662)

The New Cambridge English Course is a course teachers and students can rely on to cover the complete range and depth of language and skills needed from beginner to upper-intermediate level. Each level is designed to provide at least 72 hours of class work using the Student's Book, with additional self-study material provided in the Practice Book. The course has a proven multi-syllabus approach which integrates work on all the vital aspects of language study: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, skills, notions and functions. Product details Format Paperback | 280 pages Dimensions 216 ...

The Beatles; Where We Grew Up : Their Formative Years In Hamburg; 1960-1962 (9781495408885)

The Beatles continue to fascinate and gain the love of many millions of people around the world 50 years after they first burst onto the world stage in 1964. This book looks at the earliest years of the band before they were famous, 1960-62. At this time they were playing in Hamburg, Germany, and had a fifth member called Stuart Sutcliffe, John Lennon's best friend. The book explores the relationship between them and Stuart's ill-fated romance with the Hamburg photography student Astrid Kirchherr before his untimely and tragic death in April 1962. Astrid's and Stuart's artistic talent and influence on John and the Beatles look and music are an untold story - until now. Product details Format Paperback | 50 pages ...

Big Girl Pants : A Woman's Guide to Strutting toward the Life She Craves (9780692830994)

Are you ready to break the dead end cycle of dream-excuse-dream and commit to making serious changes to your life? In her debut book, life coach Lisa Baird Panos explains that it can be as easy as just changing your pants. Women have heard for years that sometimes they just need to put on their Big Girl Pants and deal with it. But what if putting on your Big Girl Pants wasn't about dealing with your life as it is, but creating the life that your soul craves? It's so easy to pull on that same pair of familiar and lived-in pants. They protect you from extraordinary failures, freak-outs and criticism. But don't they feel restricting and oppressive? What if changing and leaving the excuses behind meant you could have what you want? You don't have to feel trapped, unsuccessful, or silenced. You deserve the life you desire. With her relatable, irreverent and empowering style, Panos weaves personal anecdotes, inspirational stories and quick exercises to help you transform y...

Go Dairy Free : The Ultimate Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casein-Free Living (9781944648916)

If ONE simple change could resolve most of your symptoms and prevent a host of illnesses, wouldn't you want to try it? Go Dairy Free shows you how! There are plenty of reasons to go dairy free. Maybe you are confronting allergies or lactose intolerance. Maybe you are dealing with acne, digestive issues, sinus troubles, or eczema-all proven to be associated with dairy consumption. Maybe you're looking for longer-term disease prevention, weight loss, or for help transitioning to a plant-based diet. Whatever your reason, Go Dairy Free is the essential arsenal of information you need to change your diet. This complete guide and cookbook will be your vital companion to understand dairy, how it affects you, and how you can eliminate it from your life and improve your health-without feeling like you're sacrificing a thing. Inside: * More than 250 delicious dairy-free recipes focusing on naturally rich and delicious whole foods, with numerous options to satisfy those dairy cravin...

Handbook of Linguistic Annotation (9789402414264)

This handbook offers a thorough treatment of the science of linguistic annotation. Leaders in the field guide the reader through the process of modeling, creating an annotation language, building a corpus and evaluating it for correctness. Essential reading for both computer scientists and linguistic researchers.Linguistic annotation is an increasingly important activity in the field of computational linguistics because of its critical role in the development of language models for natural language processing applications. Part one of this book covers all phases of the linguistic annotation process, from annotation scheme design and choice of representation format through both the manual and automatic annotation process, evaluation, and iterative improvement of annotation accuracy. The second part of the book includes case studies of annotation projects across the spectrum of linguistic annotation types, including morpho-syntactic tagging, syntactic analyses, a range of semantic analys...

The Acts Of The Apostles (1899) (9781436544825)

This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work. Product details Format Hardback | 496 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 32mm ...

Entscheidung im Westen 1944 (9783869330976)

Dr. Dieter Ose war zuletzt Leitender Wissenschaftlicher Direktor als auch Leiter des Bereichs Grundlagen und Entwicklung an der Akademie der Bundeswehr fĆ¼r Information und Kommunikation in Strausberg. Die Publikation "Entscheidung im Westen 1944" verfasste Ose als Dissertation und gilt bis heute als Standardwerk. Zuletzt erschienen 1985. Product details Format Hardback | 363 pages Dimensions 169 x 244 x 35mm | 839g ...

River Cottage A to Z : Our Favourite Ingredients, & How to Cook Them (9781408828601)

'Ingredients are at the heart of everything we do at River Cottage. By gathering our all-time favourites together, I hope to inspire you to look at them with fresh eyes and discover new ways of cooking them' Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall The definitive River Cottage kitchen companion. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall and his team of experts have between them an unprecedented breadth of culinary expertise on subjects that range from fishing and foraging to bread-making, preserving, cheese-making and much more. In this volume they profile their best-loved and most-used ingredients. With more than three hundred entries covering vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, meat, fish, fungi, foraged foods, pulses, grains, dairy, oils and vinegars, the River Cottage A to Z is a compendium of all the ingredients the resourceful modern cook might want to use in their kitchen. Each ingredient is accompanied by a delicious, simple recipe or two: there are new twists on old favourites, such as cockle an...

Green Fingers (9781913038489)

A series of micro-collections featuring a selection of peculiar tales from the best in horror and speculative fiction. From Black Shuck Books and Dan Coxon comes Green Fingers, the nineteenth in the Black Shuck SHADOWS series. Product details Format Paperback | 130 pages Dimensions 111 x 177.8 x 7.11mm | 104.33g Publication date ...

Arnoldi Vinnii in Quatuor Libros Institutionum Imperialium Commentarius Academicus Et Forensis, Volume 1... (9781276840736)

This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. that were either part of the original artifact, or were introduced by the scanning process. We believe this work is culturally important, and despite the imperfections, have elected to bring it back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. We appreciate your understanding of the imperfections in the preservation process, and hope you enjoy this valuable book. ++++ The below data was compiled from various identification fields in the bibliographic record of this title. This data is provided as an additional tool in helping to ensure edition identification: ++++ Arnoldi Vinnii In Quatuor Libros Institutionum Imperialium Commentarius Academicus Et Forensis, Volume 1 Arnoldus Vinnius apud Benedictum Monfort, 1767 Law; Legal History; Law / Legal History ...

Moleskine Pro Project Planner 12 Months Extra Large Black (8056420851373)

The Moleskine Pro Project Planner is an undated diary/planner that allows you to set the pace and reach your goals throughout the year. Although the dates are left blank, it is structured in such a way as to invite you to set long-term goals, identify motivation and document key milestones. There are yearly, 4-monthly, monthly and weekly sections for you to personalise and map your time, as well as a project progress section for structured notes and effective brainstorming. Whatever you projects or profession, the Pro Project Planner can adapt to your planning needs, leaving you to simply fill in the gaps. Split into 3 sections. INSPIRATION: Set long-term goals, identify motivation, and record key milestones. PLANNING: Plan your activities with undated yearly, 4-monthly, monthly, and weekly spreads. LOGGING: Track project progress, take structured notes, and brainstorm effectively. Product details ...

The Henkel Memorial : Historical, Genealogical, and Biographical; A Serial Publication Devoted to Collecting and Preserving the History of the Rev. Anthony Jacob Henkel (Known in History as Rev. Gerhart Henkel) ... Who Came from Germany to Pennsylvania in (9780343686246)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant. Product details Format ...