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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2021

Spanish For Beginners (9780746046418)

This title has been revised, with Internet links offering opportunities to hear the language spoken by a native speaker. Grammar is clearly explained, and puzzles provide plenty of practice. This title is part of a series providing a thorough grounding in useful, basic foreign language skills. Product details For ages 12-17 Format Book | 48 pages Dimensions 200 x 250 x 5mm ...

The One Minute Sufi (9788179925171)

Timeless and Placeless principles in small doses Is a minute enough to change the course of our lives? With grace, spiritual enlightenment can happen in a fraction of a second. We need to be open and receptive to this blessing. Using down-to-earth stories and examples, The One-Minute Sufi provides small doses of inspirational Sufi principles, allowing us to reflect on them as we go about our daily business. These principles can change the course of an entire day - and gradually, our destiny. Learn how to: Love one and all, irrespective of religion, culture, color and creed Stay on your path and yet respect all other paths to the same truth Go with the flow and yet pursue your purpose Be in the moment and learn from every experience and every encounter Go to sleep at night eager to wake up, looking forward to another great day and having no regrets if you never wake up Product details ...

Jasno! B1. Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit 2 Audio-CDs : Russisch für Fortgeschrittene. (3125275938)

Russisch für Fortgeschrittene (B1) - Kurs- und Übungsbuch in einem Band - 2 Audio-CDs mit allen Hörmaterialien - Baut auf A1 - A2 auf bzw. setzt Kenntnisse des Russischen auf Niveau A2 voraus - Bietet abwechslungsreiche Übungsformen für verschiedene Lernertypen - Erläutert die Grammatik des Russischen und sichert systematischen Wortschatzerwerb Product details Format Paperback | 200 pages Dimensions 197 x 260 x 15mm | 604g ...

Resolutions (Displaced Book 3) (9781715653545)

Kevin Murdock, martial artist extraordinaire and longtime resident of the planet Oomah, is still center stage - and reluctant - to mentor any of the new batch of colonist arrivals. He alone is the remaining fair law on the planet. The new arrivals are with few leaders, and more clueless or dangerous individuals. Meanwhile, some of the previously arrived colonists are stirring up hate and discontent. Surprise awaits Murdock and his family. Are the plateau dwellers going to be the seeds of a new civilization, or will they devolve into something else, something dangerous to the remains of humanity? Product details Format Paperback | 474 pages Dimensions ...

de Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium / Des Revolutions Des Orbes Celestes (9782251345147)

Il n'existe pas a ce jour d'edition critique du De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (Nuremberg, 1543) de Nicolas Copernic (1473-1543) avec traduction francaise et commentaire.L'objectif de cette publication est de combler cette lacune avec cette premiere edition critique et bilingue, fruit du travail d'une equipe interdisciplinaire qui s'est deroule sur plusieurs annees.Le volume I contient une introduction divisee en six chapitres consacres a la biographie de Copernic, a ses travaux astronomiques mineurs, a la preparation et a la presentation d'ensemble du De revolutionibus, a la reception de l'heliocentrisme de 1540 a 1616, a la question des precurseurs, et a l'histoire du texte. Ces chapitres sont suivis d'une serie de dix-sept annexes sur des themes particuliers. Un index des noms (anciens et modernes), ainsi qu'un index geographique, terminent ce premier volume.Le volume II contient l'edition critique du De revolutionibus fonde...

Non dirmi che hai paura (9788807885747)

Samia è una ragazzina di Mogadiscio. Ha la corsa nel sangue. Ogni giorno divide i suoi sogni con Alì, che è amico del cuore, confidente e primo, appassionato allenatore. Mentre intorno la Somalia è sempre più preda dell'irrigidimento politico e religioso, mentre le armi parlano sempre più forte la lingua della sopraffazione, Samia guarda lontano, e avverte nelle sue gambe magre e velocissime un destino di riscatto per il paese martoriato e per le donne somale. Gli allenamenti notturni nello stadio deserto, per nascondersi dagli occhi accusatori degli integralisti, e le prime affermazioni la portano, a soli diciassette anni, a qualificarsi alle Olimpiadi di Pechino. Arriva ultima, ma diventa un simbolo per le donne musulmane in tutto il mondo. Il suo vero sogno, però, è vincere. L'appuntamento è con le Olimpiadi di Londra del 2012. Ma tutto diventa difficile. Gli integralisti prendono ancora più potere, Samia corre chiusa dentro un burqa ed è costretta a fronteggiare una perdit...

Democratic Justice (9780300089080)

Democracy and justice are often mutually antagonistic ideas, but in this innovative book Ian Shapiro shows how and why they should be pursued together. Justice must be sought democratically if it is to garner legitimacy in the modern world, he claims, and democracy must be justice-promoting if it is to sustain allegiance over time. Democratic Justice meets these criteria, offering an attractive vision of a practical path to a better future. Wherever power is exercised in human affairs, Shapiro argues, the lack of democracy will be experienced as injustice. The challenge is to democratize social relations so as to diminish injustice, but to do this in ways that are compatible with people's values and goals. Shapiro shows how this can be done in different phases of the human life cycle, from childhood through the adult worlds of work and domestic life, retirement, old age, and approaching death. He spells out the implications for pressing debates about authority over children, the la...

Yo Puedo Leer Con los Ojos Cerrados! (1933032243)

The Cat in the Hat takes the Young Cat in tow to show him the fun he can get out of reading. Product details For ages 0-5 Format Hardback | 34 pages Dimensions 172 x 231 x 9mm | 231g Publication date ...

The Tao of Equus : A Woman's Journey of Healing and Transformation Through the Way of the Horse (1577314204)

In The Tao of Equus, author Linda Kohanov intertwines the story of how she awakened to the spiritual presence of horses with compelling mythology, research, and personal anecdotes. The result is an extraordinary story of healing and communication that turns our conventional understanding of these amazing creatures upside down. A horse trainer and equine-facilitated therapy practitioner, Kohanov first began exploring the horse human connection in the early 1990s. When her black mare, Rasa, became lame, Kohanov was plagued by a series of sinister dreams and premonitions. Finally, prompted by her dreams, she canceled a risky surgery to save Rasa's potential career in competitive riding. To relate to the injured horse outside conventional equestrian pursuits, Kohanov immersed herself in the day-to-day activities of the herd. In the process, she discovered that horses are intensely emotional, intuitive, intelligent beings. They are true reflections of our deepest souls. Over time, she ...

Der Nebel um das Geld : Zinsproblematik - Währungssysteme - Wirtschaftskrisen (373161085X)

Ein Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit liegt in der allgemeinverständlichen Vermittlung wirtschaftlicher und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhänge. Sein besonderes Interesse gilt einem tieferen Verständnis lebendiger Prozesse und ihrem Verhältnis zur herrschenden Wissenschaft, Ökonomie, Technologie und Moral. Seine disziplinübergreifenden Veranstaltungen finden immer wieder ein breites öffentliches Interesse. Zwischen dem Fließen des Geldes im sozialen Organismus einer Wirtschaft und dem Fließen der Lebensenergie im Organismus eines Menschen sieht Bernd Senf erstaunliche funktionelle Identitäten: Die Blockierung des Fließprozesses macht den betreffenden Organismus krank und destruktiv. Aus dieser Erkenntnis leitet er die Folgerung ab: Die Lösung (der Blockierung) ist die Lösung. Was dies in bezug auf den Geldfluß bedeutet, warum der Zins ein destruktives Mittel der Sicherung des Geldumlaufs ist und welche grundlegenden Veränderungen des Geldsystems erforderlich sind, um die von ihm hervorgetrieben...

The Fourth Power (9781643376387)

The odyssey of Exether Mega, a young military pilot caught up in an interplanetary conflict between humans - under the banner of the Planetary United States - and the Krommiums. After narrowly escaping an attack by an enemy patrol, Mega begins a perilous journey across enemy lines. Through a series of encounters with both friends and foes, Mega discovers she's at the centre of a complex, secret experiment to create the ultimate weapon of war. Product details Format Hardback | 264 pages Dimensions 201 x 274 x 22.86mm ...

Grokking Artificial Intelligence Algorithms (9781617296185)

AI is primed to revolutionize the way we build applications, offering exciting new ways to solve problems, uncover insights, innovate new products, and provide better user experiences. Successful AI is based on a set of core algorithms that form a base of knowledge shared by all data scientists. Grokking Artificial Intelligence Algorithms is a fully-illustrated and interactive tutorial guide to the different approaches and algorithms that underpin AI. Written in simple language and with lots of visual references and hands-on examples, readers learn the concepts, terminology, and theory they need to effectively incorporate AI algorithms into their applications. Grokking Artificial Intelligence Algorithms uses simple language, jargon-busting explanations, and hand-drawn diagrams to open up complex algorithms. Don't worry if you aren't a calculus wunderkind; you'll need only the algebra you picked up in math class. * Use cases for different AI algorithms * How to encode prob...

The Essential Oil Maker's Handbook : Extracting, Distilling and Enjoying Plant Essences (9781943015009)

Essential oils are more in demand now than ever, but modern production methods and unscrupulous labeling practices make it difficult for consumers to know whether an oil is genuine or artificial. Healers utilizing these age-old materials now have the guidance needed to make their own essential oils and thereby be certain of integrity and efficacy. Producing essential oils and hydrosols in small quantities is easier than imagined with the guidance of Austrian master distillers Helge Schmickl and Bettina Malle. Translated from its original German, The Essential Oil Maker's Handbook has been revised and updated to include information on hydrosols, the aromatic water once considered a mere by-product but now recognized as a valuable substance in itself.The authors provide guidance on the harvesting, processing, and use of 130 indigenous and exotic plants as well as the necessary equipment for oil extraction. Including about 40 base recipes for personal care products — from bathing addi...

Il peso della farfalla (9788807886867)

Der König der Gämsen ist ein stolzes Tier. Seit Jahren ist er unangefochtener Anführer der Herde, aber er wird müde. Zeit für einen Generationenwechsel. Es ist November, Zeit der Brunftkämpfe. Aus dem Tal steigt der Geruch des Mannes empor - des Mörders seiner Mutter. Es ist ein Wilderer, der seit Jahren illegal Jagd macht auf die Tiere. Sein Spitzname: König der Gämsen. Erri De Luca schildert das bevorstehende Aufeinandertreffen von Mensch und Tier, von Jäger und Gejagtem. Eine Art Showdown zwischen dem stolzen Herdenführer und dem Wilderer, der sein Leben lang nie etwas wirklich Spannendes erzählen konnte, weder um Frauen zu beeindrucken noch um seinen persönlichen Kampf gegen die Mitmenschen zu gewinnen. Product details Format Paperback | 70 pages ...

Zahnarztlugen (3839156483)

Ein Buch, das Sie vor dem nächsten Zahnarzttermin lesen sollten! Trotz moderner Zahnmedizin, Zahnbürste und Fluorid haben 95 % der Deutschen die Krankheit Karies. Fast die Hälfte leidet an Parodontitis. Warum haben Sie Löcher im Zahn? Warum sind Sie krank? Die Journalistin Dorothea Brandt und der Arzt Lars Hendrickson beleuchten eine heillose Zahnmedizin und zeigen, wie Sie sich davor schützen können. Denn: Karies ist heilbar. Das heillose System "Zahnheilkunde" hält uns gefangen. Es hält uns krank, es schadet den Zähnen und es ist gefährlich. 98% meiner zahnärztlichen Kollegen sind Abzocker. Lars Hendrickson Diese Lektüre nimmt die Angst vor dem Zahnarzt, denn Karies und der Weg zum Zahnarzt ist kein unabwendbares Schicksal. Dorothea Brandt Product details Format Paperback ...