My Only Sunshine : A suspenseful girl powered thriller about becoming yourself despite looming threat and past struggles. (9781093703634)
My Only Sunshine was one of the best thrillers I've read. It was engaging the whole time with characters that I loved to follow. And that ending KICKED. Can't wait for the next one. Merphy Napier, BookTuber On a cold morning in late fall a girl was found running down the street, naked and screaming. She had been missing for over a month. It's been 5 years since that day. Eighteen year old Taylor Cormier may have escaped her captor but never escaped the trauma. Jacob, the man who took her was never caught. Her life could have been lots of things, but instead it's mace, house alarms and secret works schedules. She remembers very little of her abduction, what she does remember is confusing and unreliable. The one thing she does know; she knows with absolute certainty, she will never be safe. Despite this knowledge she wants what all girls entering senior year want. To be included, to be liked, to be normal. As her old group of friends begin to talk to her again and the ...